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Sunday, 10 June 2018 18:04

Essay "Matlab Al-Talibin"

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Essay "Matlab Al-Talibin" (The purpose of seeking [the truth]), authored by Abu al-Abbas Muhammad Talib ibn Taj al-Din Hasanhodzha al-Husseini al-Siddiqi, written circa 1673, and is dedicated to activities Dzhuybarskih Hodge, played an important role in the political, economic and spiritual life of the Bukhara Khanate of the XVI-XVII centuries. As the author was the representative of this family, he details the life of the Djuibar Khodja, the size of their condition, and also reports about the murids and servants of Jujbarides, the relations of the Bukhara khans with the rulers of neighboring countries. In the work the terms concerning the management system and economic life of that period are widely used. Without exaggeration, we can say that "Matlab at-Talibin" is a source on the history of Central Asia XVI-XVII centuries of primary importance.

For the critical text, the handwritten composition "Matlab at-Talibin", dated 1133/1718, was chosen as the reference list stored in IVAN RUZ. To compile a critical text, manuscript lists kept in Uzbekistan and abroad were also used.
IVAN RUZ named after Abu Rayhan Beruni; Preparation for publication: Gulom Karimi, Erkin Mirkamilov; responsible editor: Halim Turaev, doctor of historical sciences. - Toshkent: "Movarounnahr", 2012. - P.376.


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