SJ News II - шаблон joomla Авто



News (54)

Thursday, 24 October 2024 04:33

⚖️ For equal opportunities and a just society!

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On the way of consistent continuation of reforms and transformations in the political-legal, economic, social-humanitarian and other fields, the Party considers the following tasks as priorities:

— to ensure the Party’s participation in the construction of a sovereign, democratic, legal, social and secular state, while remaining faithful to the fundamental principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

— to create the necessary conditions for the well-being of every person in all spheres of life in society and the state, to ensure social justice and the rule of law, to recognise the individual, his rights, freedoms and legitimate interests as the highest values of the state and society;

— achieving the country’s entry into the ranks of developed countries with a high standard of living, emphasising that avoiding sharp stratification in society is an important condition for sustainable development;

— to further strengthen the role and importance of the institutions of representative democracy, which embody the power of the people, based on the constitutional principle that the people are the sole source of state power;

— ensuring the sustainable development of the country’s economy and the development of the innovative and intellectual potential of society and human capital;

— ensuring peace and security in the country, strengthening civil harmony, inter-ethnic and inter-religious tolerance, pursuing a mutually beneficial and constructive foreign policy.

Based on the needs and aspirations of our people and aware of its responsibility towards the future generation of the country, the Party proposes the following goals and tasks for the next five years.

Sunday, 22 September 2024 04:37


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Amonulla Buriev was born in 1944 in the village of Karasuv in the Hisar Valley of Tajikistan. He studied at the Faculty of Geography of the Tashkent State University (now the National University of Uzbekistan) (1961–1970; served in the navy in 1963–1967). At the same time he studied Arabic and Persian at the "Oriental Languages" Faculty of Tashkent State University.

He began his career in the Main Editorial Board of the Uzbek Soviet Encyclopedia - during 1970-1979 he worked in this institution in the positions of junior editor, cartographer, scientific editor and senior scientific editor. From 1979 to the present, he continues to conduct scientific work at Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences.

In 1988, he defended his PhD thesis at the Institute of Oriental Studies on the topic of “Geographical information in the works of Hafiz-i Abru (Source studies and historical-geographical research)” in the specialty “Historiography and source studies”.

During his career at the Institute, he was a junior research fellow (1979–1990), research fellow (1990–1992), senior research fellow (1992–2003), head of department (1995–2003), leading research fellow (2003 – present), and grant manager (2012–2013). He is currently the head of the Manuscript Cataloging and Electronic Catalogs Department. In 1995, Amonulla Buriev was awarded the title of senior research fellow by the Higher Attestation Commission. In 2019, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Historical Geography of Central Asia in Written Sources of the Timurid Period”, and in 2024, on the recommendation of the Council of the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Higher Attestation Commission awarded Amonulla Buriev the title of professor in the specialty “Historiography, Source Studies and Methods of Historical Research”.

The main part of professor Buriev's scientific research is represented by the study of the written heritage of the Timurid period. His research includes the description of oriental manuscripts, the translation of Persian-language sources into Uzbek and Russian, the historical geography of Central Asia, historical toponymy, the history of science, the history of the culture of the peoples of Uzbekistan, as well as the history of international relations of Uzbekistan. In the period from 1970 to 2024, the total number of publications of the scientist, published in the form of monographs, brochures, theses and articles, amounted to 631 works.

In addition, professor Amonulla Buriev was active in the field of education. He taught geography and source studies at the Department of History of Central Asia of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies and at the Department of Source Studies of the History Faculty of the National University of Uzbekistan. In 2001–2004, he worked as the head of the Department of Source Studies and Special Historical Disciplines of the History Faculty of the National University. During this time, three candidate dissertations and 21 master's dissertations were defended at the department in the specialty of source studies and historiography.

Amonulla Buriev is a member of the editorial board of the both scientific journals "Meros" (Heritage) of Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies and  “Бобур ва дунё” (Babur and the World) of the International Public Foundation named after Babur. For many years, he has been a member of the Tashkent City Toponymic Commission on a voluntary basis, during the years of his activity in which, scientifically substantiating the history of many city toponyms, he gave and continues to give recommendations for their restoration.

By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 28, 2019, Amonulla Buriev was awarded with the Order of “Mehnat Shuhrati” for his many years of fruitful scientific activity.

Thursday, 19 September 2024 02:16


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Holding the "Khan Atlas Week" aimed at honoring our national spirit and values ​​among our women is becoming a unique tradition.

In September 2024, the "Khan Atlas Week" was organized in our country.

Women scientists of Al-Biruni Institute for Oriental Studies of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences also supported this initiative and took an active part in it, combining national traditions with science.


Sunday, 08 September 2024 04:46


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In accordance with the Decree (“On awarding a group of workers in the fields of science, education, health care, literature, culture, art and mass media in connection with the thirty-third anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan”)of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated on August 24, 2024, persons awarded with state awards were determined for special merits in the development of the economy, science and culture of our country. As well as a senior researcher at the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences Rakhimov Komiljon Rakhmatovich was awarded the medal "Shukhrat" ("Glory"). The solemn ceremony of presenting this state award took place on September 6 within the walls of the Institute, in the presence of a team of employees headed by the director and a representative of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Abduvahob Abdukadirov.   

The ceremony was opened by the Director of the Institute, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Bakhrom Abdurakhimovich Abdukhalimov with a welcoming speech. Having read the text of the above-mentioned Presidential Decree on awarding Komiljon Rakhimov, Professor Abdukhalimov emphasized that the receipt of such an honorable state award by an employee of the Institute testifies to both the great attention of the Head of Uzbekistan and our government, paid to the development of science in the republic, and the recognition of the academic achievements of the staff of our institution at the state level.



Then, to the prolonged applause of those participants, Komiljon Rakhimov was solemnly presented with the medal “Shukhrat”. After the award ceremony, the deputy director for researches, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor Surayo Ubaydullaevna Karimova made a speech, noting the valiant scientific work and academic merits of the holder of the state award. At the end of the ceremony, Komiljon Rakhimov took the floor. Having thanked the staff and administration of the Institute for their warm words and sincere congratulations, mr. Rakhimov noted that he considers this award to belong to all employees and will make every effort to continue to make a feasible and worthy contribution to the development of oriental studies in Uzbekistan.


Friday, 30 August 2024 09:59


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On 28-August  2024-year, the participants of the 2 Summer School of Young Orientalists, as well as being in Uzbekistan the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cooperation Mikhail Efimovich Shvidkoy have visited to al-Biruni institute of oriental studies, Uzbekistan Academy of sciences for congratulate the Young orientalists and exchange ideas with them. Director of the Institute  Prof. B. Abduhalimov gave a lecture to the guests about the activities of the Institute and possible works which may be carried out in the future. After that, several speakers gave lectures on their topics and current issues of oriental studies. After the lectures, the guests asked questions about the activities of the institute and the ongoing works which  interested to them.

The guests were shown the restoration and scanning departments of the institute and were given information on the construction of the new building. The activity of the institute, its new building and scientific publications left a great impression on the guests and they  thanked  for the warm reception. 













Friday, 23 August 2024 11:21

Visit of Executive director of Qatar National library

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On 22 August 2024 Executive director of Qatar National library Tan Huism has visited Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. Respectful guest  met with the Director of the Institute Prof. Bakhrom Abduhalimov. During the meeting, the guest was informed about the scientific activities of the Institute, the latest publications carried out by the staff, and the new building of the Institute. At the meeting, proposals were given about prospective projects that can be implemented bilaterally.

Then the guest was shown restoration and scanning departments and the library of the Institute and provided information on the activities of the Institute. The guest thanked for the warm reception and noted that she was impressed by activities, the new building and scientific publications of the Institute.







Wednesday, 12 June 2024 09:51


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On June 4 of this year, at the Al-Biruni  Institute of Oriental Studies Uzbekistan, Academy of Sciences, a presentation was held of the books “Manifestations of a Sufi Woman in Central Asia: A Critical Edition of Ḥāfiẓ-i Baṣīr’s Maẓhar al-ʻajā’ib” which was published by Brill press in 2020 and “Female Religiosity in Central Asia,” was published  by Cambridge University Press in 2024 year which  was written by  Aziza Shanazarova who is a former employee of our Institute and now a professor at Columbia University.


Among the speakers who expressed their observations regarding the scientific significance of the presented books and the research activities of the author were the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Doctor of History, Prof., B. Abdukhalimov, Deputy Director, Professor., S. Karimova, Rector of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies Prof., G. Rikhsieva, Professor of Indiana University (USA) Devin Devis, Deputy-rector of the University “New Uzbekistan” PhD H. Nazirova and Senior Researcher of the Institute  N. Toshev.

On 23-May 2024, Delegation of the Institute of Diplomatic Studies named after Prince Saud Al Faisal of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia visited Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences.

The Delegation was welcomed by Director of the Institute Prof. B. Abduhalimov. The Delegation was informed about the scientific activities of the Institute, its research departments, books which were published by the staff and the construction of the new building of the Institute. The members of the delegation thanked for warm reception and noted that the activities, the new building and publications of the Institute made a huge impression on them.









Thursday, 23 May 2024 05:55


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On May 22, the 19th Republican conference dedicated to the memory of academician Ubaydulla Karimov titled ‘Current Issues in Researching the Field of Oriental Studies’ took place at the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies and the Abdulla Kadiri School of Literary Creativity. The conference aimed to provide opportunities for scientists and researchers to utilize modern methods in the study of Oriental studies and exchange experiences with international scholars and specialists.

Representatives from various organizations participated in the conferences, including all institutions in the social and humanitarian direction of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, National University of Uzbekistan, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, State Museum of the History of the Timurids, ‘New Century Generation’ publishing house, as well as young and mature scientists from universities in Kashkadarya, Jizzakh, Bukhara regions of our Republic. Independent researchers, leading scientists and scientific staff of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences also actively participated.

Additionally, researchers from the USA, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Turkey also contributed to the conference with their valuable presentations.










On 21 May 2024 the curators of the international exhibition “ALMADAR” which planned to be held in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) in 2025 under the auspices of the foundation “Diriya Biennale” (Saudi Arabia) Al-Kutoubi (UK), Marika Sardar (USA) Faye Behbehani (Kuwait) and Wen Wenning (China) visited the al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. The purpose of the visit is to familiarize with the exhibits recommended for display at the "ALMADAR" exhibition from the collection of the Manuscript Fund of the Al-Biruni institute of oriental studies Uzbekistan Academy of sciences, as well as formulating prospective plans for the future presentation of the institute’s collection at international exhibitions.

First, the guests were introduced to the scientific activities of the institute and the exhibition of unique manuscripts belonging to the Manuscript Fund. After that, the guests were given information on the activities of the institute’s restoration, scanning departments and reading hall. The activities of the institute, new building and scientific publications left a great impression on the guests and expressed their gratitude for the warm reception.












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