SJ News II - шаблон joomla Авто


On May 1, as a result of the breaking of the Sardoba reservoir, some districts of the Syrdarya region were flooded. As a result of prompt action by the government, the flood was stopped. But most of the population was left homeless. In response, the entire population of Uzbekistan organized a charity caravan "We are with you."

The UzbekistanAcademy of Sciences did not stay aside from this charitable work, and has organized a charity caravan "Humanitarian aid of the Academy of Sciences to the people of Sardoba district: We are with you!". The charity work came into being through fundraising, clothes, medicine, food, as well as books and toys for children. More than 1,000 employees from all institutes of the Academy took the initiative.

The list of volunteers was compiled by the Council of Young Scientists and the Trade Union of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. Employees of the Academy's Institutes of Oriental Studies, Mathematics, Ion-Plasma provided practical assistance in the formation of the charity caravan. The items presented by the esteemed team left for Syrdarya region.


On December 16-17, the 210-year jubilee of the classical poet, skilled translator and court historian Muhammad Riza Erniyaz Bek Agahi was widely celebrated in Khorezm region, Qiyat mahalla (neighbourhood) in Khiva. In honor of this date, the government has restored Agahi House Memorial Museum. There was also established a special school named after Agahi, specializing in native language and literature.


The Abu Raykhan Beruni Institute of the Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan has provided photographic copies of several manuscripts by Agahi to the special school. In particular, the lider of the Council of Young Scholars of the Abu Raykhan Beruni Institute of the Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan Hilola Nazirova gave a master class for pupils entitled “Agahi–the historian”. A group of pupils and teachers listened with a great interest. The master class impressed everyone.


At the end of the lecture Sarvar Abdullayev, the director of the school, thanked for the books presented by the administrations of the Institutes of Oriental Studies, Mathematics and History of the the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.




The theme: New perspectives of research on Islamic history, art and culture in Uzbekistan


On 16 April, 2020, the Abu Rayhan al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) will organize the Joint International Conference of Young Orientalists named after academician Ubaydulla Karimov. The organizers invite undergraduates, post-doctoral students and independent researchers who are conducting research in various fields of Oriental Studies. While focusing on young researchers, the age of other researchers is not limited.

 Deadline for submission of academic papers in Uzbek, English and Russian is February 29, 2020 (5-10 pages). The conference materials will be published by IRCICA in Istanbul, Turkey in the form of proceedings.

Regulation for each presentation is 15 minutes. Requirements to article texts:

  1. The text of the article should be in Times New Roman font, 12 characters, and 1.5 intervals.
  2. Paper size: A4 (210-297 mm).
  3. The text should be left 2.5 cm from the top, 1.5 cm from the bottom, 1.5 cm from the right and 3 cm from the left.
  4. The first row of the upper-right corner of the page contains the name and surname of the speaker, the second row contains the full name of the organization, the third line contains the telephone number (with the code) and the email address.
  5. The title is printed in the middle of the page, in the fifth line, in bold capital letters.
  6. The article is required to present a brief summary of the problem raised by the topic, its solution, its scientific practical significance and its conclusion. Requirements for the scientific apparatus can be expressed below the line (for example: Shoniozov K. The process of forming the Uzbek people. Tashkent, 2001. B. 135.)
  7. You will be asked to submit the article electronically.

Late or ineligible articles will not be accepted.

Later we will inform you about exact date and place!

Our address:

100170, Tashkent, Mirzo Ulugbek Street, 79, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhan Beruni

Contact: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

On December 3, Lee Yatszyun and Bao Yi, researchers at the Institute of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences visited the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences.

  During the visit, the guests met with the leading researcher A. Khodjaev and academic secretary of the Institute N. Jabborov. After a brief acquaintance, the Chinese guests asked a number of questions about the ongoing reforms in Uzbekistan, the interethnic harmony and our attitude towards the languages of the various residents living in our country. They emphasized that the idea of tolerance is widespread in Uzbekistan and that as a result representatives of different nationalities live in harmony. In some respects, our Chinese counterparts intend to implement the idea of tolerance of the Uzbek people in China.

  1. Khodjaev presented to guests two monographs covering the history of China and the Great Silk Road.

The Young Scholars Association of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan has prepared a special edition ( no. 2, 2019) of the "Young Scholars Bulliten" dedicated to the history and future of the Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This special edition contains more than 30 articles including the sections dedicated to senior and junior scholars.  For the first time it covers the activities of the  Young Scholars Association of the Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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