SJ News II - шаблон joomla Авто


In the monography on the basis of the Chinese sources and new works of the scholars of the Peoples Republic of China are considered little known and debatable issues related to ethnic origin and tribal structure of the ancient people of Central Asia, called in these sources Sac,Kyunna(syunnu-hunns), Uhu (ugu-oguz), Hueyhe(huejge-Uigur), Kyan (Xian), Tiey (Di); transcriptions of their self-names in the Chinese written monuments. There are comments on many Chinese ethnonyms as well.

         Thework also deals with some etymologies met in ancient Chinese toponymalsources of Sute, Davan, Van, Van-chen, Ershi and Jujchen.

         The book is addressed to orientalists, historians, teachers, students of the main subjects and a wide range of readers, who are interested in ancient history of Central Asia.

The monograph is produced within the framework of the grant «(ОТ-А1-41. Data on the history of statehood of Central Asia (Translations and researches from pre-Islamic sources), planned for 2017-2018  . Tashkent. Publishing house "Navruz", 2017. 364 pp.

Information on the traditional "15th scientific and practical conference of young orientalists named after the Academician Ubaidulla Karimov ", which was held at the Abu Rayhon Beruni of Institute Oriental Studies,

Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences


On April 4 at the Abu Rayhon Beruni of Institute Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences (IOS) was held the traditional "15th scientific and practical conference of young orientalists named after Ubaidulla Karimov". About 100 students from universities and specialists took part in the conference. Works of 75 authors were published in the proceedings of the conference. In particular, the thesis of Uzbek Orientalists in English was published abroad. 15 scientific papers and presentations were heard at the conference. The reports focused on the issues of historiography and source study of Central Asia, the interpretation of documents in the Central State Archive of Uzbekistan, research in Uzbek linguistics, relations between Uzbekistan and foreign countries, the life and work of prominent Eastern scholars.


Results of the conference. At the end of the event, U.Palvanov (Tashkent Islamic University), H. Nazirova (IOS), A. Nazarov (National University of Uzbekistan), O. Madaliyeva (IOS) took 1, 2, 3 places and were awarded with special diplomas and prizes.

The traditional annual conference this year also continued to contribute to strengthening the scientific life and activities of young researchers of our country.


On November 24, 2017 the Tashkent branch of the Turin Polytechnic University hosted a scientific and practical conference on "The role of youth in the development of science and education" organized by the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences jointly with the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan as well as the Agency for Science and Technology and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education. In the section of this conference entitled "Actual problems of humanities and social sciences" young scholars and scientists from the Institute of Oriental Studies, Institute of History, Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore, Institute of Archeology, State Museum of History of Uzbekistan,  Samarkand State University, Navoi State University, St. Petersburg State University of the Russian Federation, Karakalpak branch of humanities and social sciences directions of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences and Tashkent Tax College made presentations. Hilola Nazirova, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the Al Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, was appointed moderator of this section.

After the end of the work of the section, where detailed proposals and comments on the theses of speakers were delivered, a commission was formed to summarize the results of the reports. Based on the assessments of the members of the Commission in the section entitled "Actual problems of humanities and social sciences" in the nomination "The Best Article", the junior researcher of the al Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies Oysara Madalieva took the second place. Also, the staff of the Institute Hamidulla Lutfillayev, Ph.D, Hamidulla Aminov, Ph.D., Sherali Kuldashev, Ph.D., and junior research fellows Najmiddin Rakhimov, Hilola Nazirova and Dildora Eralieva were awarded with certificates.

On the activities of the Council of Young Scientists of the Institute of Oriental Studies Abu Rayhon Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan


On September 11, 2017 a regular meeting of the Council of Young Scholars of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences was held. The meeting has elected the new chairman and deputy chairmen: H. Nazirova (Chairwoman), Sh.Islamov and F.Jumaniyazova (deputy chairpersons). The last Wednesday of each month is declared the day of the meeting of the Council of Young Scholars. On September 20, 2017 at the meeting of the Academic Council No. 5 of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, H. Nazirova made a report on the structure and the annual plan of the Council. The Council of Young Scholars consists of 13 members who conduct their activities in the following areas:

  1. Scientific research. Responsible: F.Dzhumaniyazova.
  2. Integration. Responsible: H. Nazirova, Sh.Islamov.
  3. Organizational work. Responsible: Sh.Akramova, G.Tahirova.
  4. Technical supply. Responsible: S.Ikramov, N.Rahimov.
  5. Cooperation with universities. Responsible: R. Khudoiberganov, D. Eralieva.

In September and October 2017, members of the SMU participated in several republican and international conferences.

Also the chairperson of the Council Of Young Scholars Nazirova was sent, on behalf of the Chairpersons of the Council of Young Scholars of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences to a training seminar organized by the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan. The title of the seminar: "Training seminar of chairmen of councils of leaders of ministries, departments and organization of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan", which was held on November 1-4 in the "Youth camp" in Bustanlik district, Tashkent region. The seminar was attended by chairmen of 110 ministries, departments and organizations of Uzbekistan. In the election of chairmen of the councils of leaders H. Nazirova gained 27% of the vote and was elected deputy chairman of the councils of leaders of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan.

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