SJ News II - шаблон joomla Авто


On April 26, 2023 guests from the Sultanate of Oman headed d by Dr. Ahmed visited the Institute.


On April 27, 2023 R. Stephen Humphreys, Professor of History and Islamic Studies (emeritus) at the University of California, Santa Barbara, from the United States, visited the Institute.


On April 28, the Institute was visited by Irina Donovna Zvyagelskaya, head of the Center for Near East Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


On April 29, 2023 Farhan Nizami, director of the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies from from the UK visited the Institute.






On March 14, 2023, TSUOS hosted a presentation of books and translated works by the leading researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhon Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, orientalist, source specialist, DSc. Komiljon Rakhimov.


Friendly visit

(Visit of scholars from Sultanate of Oman)

On December 14, 2022  Arabic-language specialist of Nizwa University, Sultanate of Oman, Dr. Said Al-Zubaidi and the Head of the Arabic language department of this university, Dr. Masoud Said Al-Hadidi and Dr. Helal Kadhom, a teacher of the Department of Arabic-language, translation theory and practice of the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages  have visited to Al-Biruni institute of oriental studies, Academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The guests welcomed by the scientific secretary of the institute N. Jabbarov, the Head of the fund Sh. Islamov and the Head of the international relations department U. Rakhmanov.

The guests were first shown the new building of the institute. N. Jabborov introduced the guests about the activity of the institute and the work being done there. After that, the guests got acquainted with the activities of the restoration and scanning department and the work being done there. The activity of the institute left a great impression on the guests.

On December 12, 2022, the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted a meeting with participants of an international scientific conference on the topic “Strengthening and development of common historical and cultural heritage in the worldview of Uzbek and Kazakh thinkers of the XIX century”, which was held at the International Institute of Central Asia. Among the participants of the meeting were Kazakh scientists Matijanov Kenjekhan Slyamdjanovich -  General director of the M.O.Auezov Institute of Literature and Art, Doctor of Philological sciences; Batirkhan Bolatbek Shadenuli – Scientific Secretary of the R.B. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies, PhD; Kidir Torali Edilbayuli - Deputy of General  director of the M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art, Candidate of Philological Sciences;  Aubakir Jandos Magazbekovich - Director of the Scientific Research Institute "Abai Akademiyasy" of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Candidate of Philological Sciences.

The guests were met with the Deputy director for Scientific works S.Karimova, head of the Fund Sh.Islamov and the head of the Department of International Relations of the Institute U.Rakhmanov. The guests were provided with information about the history and activities of the Institute, about the research currently being conducted. The meeting was attended by the head of the department” History of Central Asia " A.Khodjaev, Head of the department ”Historical Source studies" H.Lutfullaev, Head of the department ”Classical Literature of the East"         S. Eshonova. At the meeting, the guests asked their questions. In particular, they were very interested in the procedures of electronic copying, the current principles of online catalogs, publications carried out by departments, the activities of the restoration and scanning department. Negotiations were held with representatives of Kazakhstan on the further development of bilateral scientific cooperation and on mechanisms for joint publications. The current activities of the Institute aroused great interest among the guests and stressed the need to think over ways to establish cooperation with the Institute in the future.

After the conversation, the guests visited the restoration department. The guests were very interested in the restoration work carried out in the department and the production of models. The meeting lasted 1 hour. After that, the guests thanked the staff of the Institute for the warm welcome and expressed their wishes for further cooperation.


The 18th Ubaydulla Karimov International Conference of Young Orientalists on “Current State of the Preservation and Research of Ancient Written Sources” was held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on 4-5 August 2022. The conference was organized by Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences; the Center of Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan (Cabinet of Ministers, Republic of Uzbekistan); Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies (Ministry of High Education, Republic of Uzbekistan); Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA). The conference was held at Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies, Tashkent. The opening ceremony heard the speeches of Prof. Dr. Bakhrom Abdukhalimov, Director of Al-Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies, Vice-President of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences; Ambassador Shoazim Minovarov, Director of the Center of Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan; Ambassador Prof. Dr. Mahmud Erol Kılıç, Director General of IRCICA; Ass. Prof. Dr. Gulchehra Rikhsiyeva, Rector of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies; Prof. Dr. Zohidjon Islomov, Vice-Rector, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shovosil Ziyodov, Director of Imam Bukhari International Scientific-Research Center.

An exhibition titled “Conservation and Restoration of Manuscripts from the Holdings of Al-Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences” was opened on the occasion of the conference.

80 research papers were presented by participants from various countries attending online and in person. The session themes were: “Current State of the Preservation, Restoration and Cataloguing of Manuscripts”, “Historical Source Studies”, “Central Asian History and Historiography”, “Language and Literature”, “Islamic Studies”, “Arts of the Book”. Prof. Dr. Ashirbek Muminov, Advisor to the Director General of IRCICA on programs, read the address of Ambassador Prof. Dr. Mahmud Erol Kılıç, Director General of IRCICA, who was unable to attend due to earlier arrangements. Prof. Muminov presented a paper during the plenary session (prepared together with Dr. Didar Bayır, Head of the Library and Archive Department, IRCICA) on the classification and preservation experience of Egypt on funds of manuscripts through the activities of the late Prof. Dr. Nasrallah Tirazi, who also served as advisor at IRCICA Library in the 1980s. Prof. Muminov also led discussions during various sessions. At the end of the sessions, certificates of participation were presented by the organizers to the young scholars for their achievements in research. Six diplomas for the best papers were conferred to Bashorat Khodjaeva (Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies), Ilyaskhan Bakhromov (Center for Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan), Husan Usmanov (International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan), Durdona Zokirova (Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies), Mumin Mirzo Abdupattaev (International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan) and Asalkhan Rakhmatullaeva (National Institute of Painting and Design Named After Kamoliddin Behzod).

A Round-Table titled “Experience of Uzbekistan in the Preservation and Research of Ancient Written Sources” was moderated by Ambassador Shoazim Minovarov, Director of the Center of Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan, on the second day of the conference.

The papers of the conference will be published in the form of a book. Those of the preceding, 2021 conference were published the same year with the conference theme carried to its title, Proceedings of the International Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Academician Ubaydulla Karimov: New Perspectives for the Study of Islamic Culture, History and Art in Uzbekistan.

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